The Library will  be closed on Monday  20th January, in observance of the holiday. You can access ebooks, audiobooks, magazines,  & the Wall Street Journal digital content through Libby, Hoopla and the Wall Street Journal

Mendham Township Library, Brookside, NJ

Unattended Children Policy

The Mendham Township Library staff hopes that children using our library will find it a warm and inviting place to be. The happiness and safety of young children left alone in the library is a serious concern. Left on their own they often become frightened or anxious. If left unattended for any length of time when no library program is being offered, they often become bored, restless, and disruptive. Therefore, the following policy has been established.

Library staff members cannot assume responsibility for the care, safety, or well-being of children in the library. Therefore parents or caregivers may not leave children under age nine unattended in the children’s room when no program is being offered or in any other part of the library at any time, and they are responsible for the behavior of their children of any age while in the library.

Children may use a library phone at any time to call home for a ride.

Parents are required to be at the library no later than five minutes before closing to pick up children. If no caregiver is present, the library staff will attempt to reach the parents or guardian. At closing, the Mendham Township Police Department will be called.